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2023-03-25 【运维】
- ls:列出当前目录下的所有文件和文件夹。
- cd:切换当前目录。
- mkdir:创建新的目录。
- touch:创建一个新文件或更新现有文件的时间戳。
- rm:删除一个文件或目录。
- cp:将文件或目录从一个位置复制到另一个位置。
- mv:将文件或目录从一个位置移动到另一个位置。
- cat:显示一个文件的内容。
- grep:在文件中搜索指定的文本。
- top:显示系统资源的实时使用情况。
- ps:列出当前正在运行的进程。
- kill:终止正在运行的进程。
- ping:测试与另一台计算机的连接。
- ifconfig:显示网络接口的配置信息。
- ssh:通过安全的远程连接协议连接到另一台计算机。
很赞哦! (0)
- DataGrip 防止全表更新或删除限制
- idea 提示 @Transactional self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object) does not lead to an actual transaction at runtime 问题原因
- IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 发布,新UI 改进
- The bean 'xxxx.FeignClient' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled. 问题原因
- Syntax Error: `asyncRouterMap` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. 错误原因
- MySQL 备份操作
- 控制台出现 was not registered for synchronization because DataSource is not transactional 是什么问题
- curl Empty reply from server 原因及解决方案
- Java BigDecimal 加减乘除计算示例
- docker容器里面没有vim解决方案
- DataGrip 防止全表更新或删除限制
- idea 提示 @Transactional self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object) does not lead to an actual transaction at runtime 问题原因
- IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 发布,新UI 改进
- The bean 'xxxx.FeignClient' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled. 问题原因
- Syntax Error: `asyncRouterMap` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. 错误原因
- MySQL 备份操作
- 控制台出现 was not registered for synchronization because DataSource is not transactional 是什么问题
- curl Empty reply from server 原因及解决方案
- Java BigDecimal 加减乘除计算示例
- docker容器里面没有vim解决方案
- DataGrip 防止全表更新或删除限制
- idea 提示 @Transactional self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object) does not lead to an actual transaction at runtime 问题原因
- IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 发布,新UI 改进
- The bean 'xxxx.FeignClient' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled. 问题原因
- Syntax Error: `asyncRouterMap` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. 错误原因
- MySQL 备份操作
- 控制台出现 was not registered for synchronization because DataSource is not transactional 是什么问题
- curl Empty reply from server 原因及解决方案
- Java BigDecimal 加减乘除计算示例
- docker容器里面没有vim解决方案